Creating react-native project to generating its APK (from scratch).
Photo by William Hook on Unsplash Creating react-native projects apps are fun, aren't they? Personally, I choose to go for using expo-cli for building projects as it is quite easy to use. We also get a choice of creating projects using react-native cli. Now, you would be wondering what's the difference, when should i choose one over other. Well, long story short you can go for either but the expo-cli projects are used for learning purpose and react-native cli projects are for the production purpose. When you create projects using the expo-cli, many features come pre-configured. You will just need to consume it. Whereas, in the react-native-cli projects you will need to individually configure and set up most of the features. Anyways, the above is just the gist of how can you choose the project type. I will discuss this in detail, in some other post. In this post, I will be using an expo-cli project and later on show you how to generate APK (Android Packag...