
Showing posts from May, 2020

Creating react-native project to generating its APK (from scratch).

Photo by  William Hook  on  Unsplash Creating react-native projects apps are fun, aren't they? Personally, I choose to go for using expo-cli for building projects as it is quite easy to use. We also get a choice of creating projects using react-native cli. Now, you would be wondering what's the difference, when should i choose one over other. Well, long story short you can go for either but the expo-cli projects are used for learning purpose and react-native cli projects are for the production purpose. When you create projects using the expo-cli, many features come pre-configured. You will just need to consume it. Whereas, in the react-native-cli projects you will need to individually configure and set up most of the features. Anyways, the above is just the gist of how can you choose the project type. I will discuss this in detail, in some other post. In this post, I will be using an expo-cli project and later on show you how to generate APK (Android Packag...

Using Zomato's API in react-native app (creating food app)

I have been learning and developing react-native apps for quite some time now. Considering many people may not have much idea what react-native is and also people who have just started with this journey, I have tried to keep this post as simple and self-explanatory as possible. Photo by  Eiliv-Sonas Aceron  on  Unsplash I wanted to build an app that may interact with an external third party API (In our project it will be Zomato's API). I got help from Steven Grider's course for react-native building this app. But as many would know that he used yelp API for building his app, in India, we don't have yelp. Ya, that's sad, but it is true.😥 So, moving on I did some research about which platform's API I could use for my problem statement. Going through documentation of many websites I found Zomato's API to be ideal for my use-case. Going through the following you would know how exactly this can be achieved.  First, we will have to crea...